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Chrome says: Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/javascript: "<jquery google cdn url>"

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Modernizr Yepnope Css Fallback

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Using Drupal.settings.basePath in Modernizer / yepnope.js loads

Modernizr.load Deprecated. Yepnope.js Deprecated. Now what?

Alternatives to YepNope and LabJS [closed]

Modernizr.load (yepnope.js) IE conditional confusion

Rails / Assets pipeline: Dynamically list assets included in a manifest

"ERR! not a package" when installing node.js dependencies for yepnope.js

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How to check for FormData using Modernizr and YesNope Javascript

How would I (or should I) extend Modernizr.load() to preload images?

Multiple conditions with yepnope

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How to check if an asynchronously loaded script has finished loading in javascript

Modernizr - Which scripts get loaded asynchronously?

Should I use Modernizrjs + YepNopejs + Requirejs in the same page?

requirejs modernizr yepnope

How can I use yepnope.js with $(document).ready() effectively?

How to detect if Media Queries are present using Modernizr

What is causing my scripts to be requested twice while using Modernizr.load (yepnope.js)