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Why use Modernizr if browsers ignore CSS they don't understand?

I've been working with Modernizr and it is a wonderful resource, just a great project. However, the way I've been using it is:

  • Design with baseline (IE) CSS
  • Enhance with CSS3 effects for advanced browsers

Unless I was going to completely replace the styles based on behavior, why shouldn't I just add styles such as box shadows, gradients and border radii to the stylesheet? If the browser doesn't understand a rule, it will just ignore it, correct? And if JavaScript is off, I can't use it anyway.

Should I be using the above method in the typical case, and Modernizr for advanced cases? Or is there something wrong with relying on browsers to ignore what they don't understand?

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Don Avatar asked Nov 17 '09 16:11


1 Answers

You're totally right that older browsers completely disregard much of what's in CSS3.

Because of that, I do my css3 in my basic selectors.. but often make use of the modernizr's no-feature classes to handle the older browser case:

div.box { 
         -moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #555; 
         -webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #555; }

div.box span.fakeshadow { 

.no-boxshadow div.box span.fakeshadow { 
         display:block; background: url('fakeshadowbg.png'); 

I hope that makes it more clear.

like image 63
Paul Irish Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09

Paul Irish