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New posts in model-view-controller

How to return JSON object when Bad Request MVC

Does the datamapper convert the SGBD result as an object?

php model-view-controller

GRASP's Controllers and MVC's Controllers question

Full Ajax PHP MVC Framework

Dependency injection in JavaScript? (For data-driven visualization)

Ember.js: How do I access a specific item in a CollectionView?

"Restful" Java WEB MVC frameworks

DTO in Play Framework

How do i separate JavaScript View/Logic code properly [closed]

To map a database view with no primary key, in hibernate xml mapping

Marionette.js compared to Chaplin.js

When or why would I use a marionette.behavior?

Should MVC Controller be in separate DLL?

MVC pattern + DDD pattern

Database application using MVC paradigm

MVC for a desktop application, connection a view/controller pair with another one


Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework... am I doing this right?

Rails Model to call Controller action

MVC: I need to understand the Model

Binding spring:checkboxes to enumset on submit causes error