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New posts in mobile-webkit

OpenLayers latitude inaccurately captured in Webkit Mobile browsers

ANDROID WEBKIT: Select elements getting focus events, but not opening!

Safari animation (keyframes and transform) set wrong positions

Inline form fields: search box and button in jQuery-Mobile

Sending push notifications in non-native app (web-app)? [closed]

Native JSON object support on mobile browsers

Android 2.3 Browser Fails to Render some CSS3 2D Transforms

Using Viewport to create a mobile friendly version

Feasible to build your own WebKit-based UIWebView for iOS?

Android/Mobile Webkit CSS Background-Attachment:Fixed Not Working?

"-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" causing vertical scrolling problems on mobile

Android Browser - Javascript window.innerWidth returns wrong value

Mobile Safari/Webkit On Window Focus Event

How to enable user select in a readOnly html element on iPad safari?

iOS safari: (-webkit-)box-shadow on input:focus doesn't work

css webkit mobile-webkit

HTML5 contenteditable attribute not working properly on iOS7 Mobile Safari

html ipad ios7 mobile-webkit