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New posts in minify

When I minify css or js, why isn't it all on one line?

javascript css minify

Should I use minified or regular versions of jQuery plugins during development and deployment?

Grep and ignore minified javascript

grep minify ack

What is the Google Closure Compiler REST API request limit?

MSBuild minify & concat javascript, hash contents into filename

should minified files be committed into source control?

Limit line length with requirejs + uglify

Minifying a Flask application when templates have inline JS?

Visual Studio 2017 minify on save

One click closure windows tool to compile all js files in folder

How can I minify CSS using `less` in `express-js`?

css node.js express minify

Is there a NOOP rule that can be used in a css file?

css minify

Nginx Reverse Proxy SSL / Minification

How to use multiple main.js files for RequireJs in Play Framework 2.1.1 Java?

Why we use minified version of Angularjs (Reason to give preference to angular.min.js over angular.js even if we are adding angular.min.js.map) [duplicate]

JavaScript minifyer which can be integrated with a build of an ASP.NET application

Minifying and combining files in .net

c# javascript css minify

Reduce HTTP requests or not?

Why do we have newlines in minified JavaScript?

How do I minify dynamic HTML responses in Spring?