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django and south migration with conflicts (0007_two ... and 0007_one) how to solve?

Why does schema.rb change (in the eyes of Git) when just running rake db:migrate?

ruby-on-rails git migration

Migration of Spring from 3.2 to 4.1.1: trouble with JSON serialization

Product images not showing after migration of magento website

image magento migration

Migrate from sql server 2000 to 2008 r2 - how to

How to have many-to-many relationship in rails

ReflectionException - Class DatabaseSeeder does not exist , Laravel Seeder [duplicate]

php laravel migration eloquent

add foreign key in Codeigniter migration

Visual Studio 2012 keeps showing upgrade report

Rails' datetime and timestamp in a migration file are the same for MySQL and Sqlite3?

Map existing Database table for Laravel

How to rollback to beginning and recreate/rebuild new migrations

ruby-on-rails migration

Java is backward compatible, but why we need to upgrade many libraries when we upgrade jdk from 1.6 to 1.8?

java migration java-8 java-7

How can I write migrations to insert records using phinx?

php mysql migration

What is the point of database migrations 'down'?

database migration

How can I set the starting point for the primary key (ID) column in Postgres via a rails migration

Uniqueness with scope in migration

Core Data - Default Migration ( Manual )

Alter model to add "through" relationship to order a ManytoMany field - Django 1.7 migration modification

South: Unknown command 'migrate'