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New posts in microsoft-teams

How to consolidate the attendance list from MS Teams?

How do I redirect to another page in my custom app for Microsoft Teams?


Integrating microsoft team with Custom app using custom bots

Microsoft Teams incoming call event


Sending acr_values when using GetOauthSignInLinkAsync

Grabbing files from Microsoft Teams using Python

Microsoft Teams: Visual Studio Connector


How can I update Presence/Status/Availability in MS Teams via an API call?

Teams doesn't display hero image


Does Microsoft Teams have a way to update a user's status/presence?

c# microsoft-teams

How to build a python bot for Teams? How to deploy the same in my PROD server?


How to mention a user/group in a new message to a channel?


Teams listChannel Graph API resulting in "Unauthorized error - "Failed to execute Aad backend request GetUsersByObjectIdsRequest"

microsoft teams : escaping underscores in text posting to webhook

markdown microsoft-teams

Sending proactive messages to a channel in Teams

Send Files to Microsoft Teams using WebHook