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Microsoft Teams incoming call event

I would like to create a app which will be informed when a user gets a call in MS Teams. I mean I want to subscribe something on event of incoming call and then do something based on information of incoming call. Is this possible? So far I do not see any events in SDK.

like image 681
Sergey Aslanov Avatar asked Mar 01 '19 14:03

Sergey Aslanov

People also ask

What happens if I get a phone call during a Teams meeting?

Re: Incoming call puts current call on holdIf you answer it your first call (or meeting) will be put on hold. If you don't answer the second call it will go to voicemail, you can also click the red deny button and it will go directly to voicemail.

Can you pull call logs from Teams?

Your call history is located in the center of the calls experience and shows a list of past calls (including missed calls).

1 Answers

There seems to now be a feature that may suit this.

Call records to provide usage and diagnostic information about the calls and online meetings that occur within your organization when using Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business.

Using webhooks and the MS Graph Subscription API, you can receive a continuous feed of call records as they are created.

like image 161
John Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10
