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is it possible to send voice commands to MS team bot?

I am developing a bot using MS bot framework and going to integrate with MS teams. but I have a challenge enabling voice commands for this bot via MS teams. even though bot emulator has a little mice button, but it also cannot use for send voice commands enter image description here

is it possible to do this with MS team? I couldn't able to find any documentation regarding this. I am using NodeJS for this project.

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Roledenez Avatar asked Apr 11 '18 12:04


3 Answers

Initial response (April 2018): The only channels where Speech is supported are Webchat, the DirectLine channel, and Cortana

Reference: here on Microsoft's Bot Framework Team blog

The Bot Framework now supports speech as a method of interacting with the bot across Webchat, the DirectLine channel, and Cortana

Updated (Feb 2019) : See Bill answer below, there is also now a preview for voice and video for Teams channel

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Nicolas R Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Nicolas R

The voice input is not yet support in Microsoft Teams.

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Arun-MSFT Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10


Support for voice and video bots is now in technical preview. Please see these links for more information:

  • Calls and online meetings bots in Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Graph APIs for calls and online meetings
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Bill Bliss - MSFT Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Bill Bliss - MSFT