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New posts in microsoft-teams

Microsoft Teams - Deeplink to bot tab

How do I send a 1:1 welcome message?

Getting error when accessing Microsoft Teams channel messages via Microsoft Graph API: Proxy_InternalServerError

Microsoft flow adaptive card to mention teams user in teams

how to solve "Microsoft.graph.serviceexception code generalexceptionmessage an error occurred sending the request" while fetching calendar events?

Retrieve Teams User ID based on AAD ID

Update teams Custom Tabs when it's not focused

Send a reply to a message older message via a Incoming Webhook to Microsoft Teams

c# webhooks microsoft-teams

Teams DevOps Connector - Client secret is expired

Way to add network share location in Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams tab is unable to save settings during the adding to a channel

Where do I find the IDs needed for Bot Framework?

Accessing user presence with REST API for Microsoft Teams


Teams webhook - Send emojis in notifications

webhooks microsoft-teams

is it possible to send voice commands to MS team bot?

Is there a Planning Poker or similar app in Microsoft Teams [closed]

ms-office microsoft-teams

Unable to change Out Of Office Status in Microsoft Team
