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How do I redirect to another page in my custom app for Microsoft Teams?

I have a simple webapp that I am showing as an app in Teams. I have set it up in App Studio and everything works as I expect and it's all great. It is showing my web app and that is what I want.

For some cases, I need to redirect to a different web app on a different domain. When testing from Microsoft Teams in my browser, it works fine. But when I test from Microsoft Teams in the desktop app, then the screen just turns grey when the redirect was supposed to happen.

I already added the domains to this dialog in Manifest Editor.

image from dialog in Teams manifest editor

Because the screen just goes grey with no explanation, I am having a hard time troubleshooting this issue.

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Niels Brinch Avatar asked Jul 23 '19 07:07

Niels Brinch

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Sign in to the Teams admin center and access Teams apps > Manage apps. Optionally, if the Customizable column isn't visible, select Edit Columns and toggle Customizable option to On. Search the app that you want to customize using the app name.

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located on the bottom left of your Teams conversation box. . From here you can change the name of your link to whatever you want in the Text to Display box – just drop the Microsoft Teams link you copy & Ppasted earlier into the address box. Click insert and you're good to go!

1 Answers

@NielsBrinch Could you please take a look at Redirect across domains in a Microsoft Teams tab? Also please make sure that the tab you want to redirect to, is iframable and that it meets all the Requirements for tab.

like image 193
Gousia Begum Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10

Gousia Begum