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Microsoft Teams: Visual Studio Connector

I installed free desktop version of Teams(, 64-bit), but while adding connector, I cant see Visual Studio and Team Services connector. Is it not available in free version?

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Arjun Paudel Avatar asked Jul 14 '18 06:07

Arjun Paudel

People also ask

How do I enable connectors in Microsoft Teams?

To access an existing Office 365 connector, all you need to do is to log in to Microsoft Teams and click the More options (⋯) button next to the channel name, then choose Connectors. From the list, click on Add next to the connector you want to use in your Microsoft Teams channel.

What are Microsoft Teams connectors?

Connectors allow users to subscribe to receive notifications and messages from the web services. They expose the HTTPS endpoint for the service to post messages to Teams channels, typically in the form of cards.

Can you integrate with Microsoft Teams?

Using Teams integration, you can invite anyone in the organization to view and collaborate on customer records right within a Teams chat or channel. You can also make and receive calls from within Dynamics 365 and get the work done more effectively.

How do I add Visual Studio team services to Microsoft Teams?

From the list of connectors, we select the “Visual Studio Team Services” item shown in the list below by clicking the “Add” button. Microsoft Teams will ask you to select the Team Services account you would like to use, team project and event type to receive notifications for.

How do I connect VSTs events to Microsoft Teams?

To bring events from Visual Studio Team Services into Microsoft Teams, click the ellipsis or '...' on the top nav of your team channel. Select Connectors and then scroll through the list to find the VSTS icon and follow the steps to connect to your VSTS account.

What is a Microsoft Teams connector?

This functionality is enabled through a connector inside the Microsoft Teams service. Each Connector event is its own conversation, allowing users to be notified of events they care about and discuss them with their team members.

How do I use team explorer to connect to a project?

How you use Team Explorer to connect to a project depends on the version of Visual Studio 2019 you're using. Open Visual Studio 2019. On the start window, select Clone a repository. In the Browse a repository section, select Azure DevOps.

1 Answers

There's an authentication bug with the free version of Teams, so it's temporarily disabled. Once the VSTS team fixes it we'll enable it. I don't have an ETA but it should be fairly quick based on other apps that have had the same problem.

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Bill Bliss - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Bill Bliss - MSFT