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How to mention a user/group in a new message to a channel?

I checked the samples/API references here:

  • https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/connectors
  • https://dev.outlook.com/Connectors/GetStarted
  • https://dev.outlook.com/Connectors/Reference

But cannot find how to mention someone in a new message to a channel.

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Holger Avatar asked Jan 03 '17 09:01


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2 Answers

Sorry this was never answered. This feature was added months ago - there are SDK methods called addMentionToText (Node.js) and AddMentionToText (C#) - source and usage samples here.

There's also an example here that's actually a bit more helpful. That example bot can be run very quickly on Glitch - repo and instructions are here.

Note that one of the challenges in using this API is that you have to have the user ID of the person you want to @ mention, and for that you need the team roster. Examples of how to do that are here.

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Bill Bliss - MSFT Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10

Bill Bliss - MSFT

Programmatic @mentions are not currently supported by Microsoft Teams, and will probably not come soon.

There is such a wish from the community in the MS uservoice portal, but it seems not to burn as much as other issues:

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Rich Moe - Microsoft Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Rich Moe - Microsoft