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New posts in memoization

How to perform thread-safe function memoization in c#?

How do I cache a method with Ruby/Rails?

In Clojure, is it possible to combine memoization and tail call optimization?

In Ruby, should I use ||= or if defined? for memoization?

Does Python intern strings?

Efficient table for Dynamic Programming in Haskell

How to get optimization from a "pure function" in C#?

Is there a convention for memoization in a method call?

How to add fields that only cache something to ADT?

How does DP helps if there are no overlapping in sub problems [0/1 knapsack]

Two parameter memoization in Haskell

haskell memoization

What does this C++11 code (memoize) do?

c++ c++11 lambda memoization

How do I memoize expensive calculations on Django model objects?

Choosing between continuation passing style and memoization

How can I memoize a method that may return true, false, or nil in Ruby?

ruby null memoization

How do I memoize a recursive function in Lisp?

What is the lifetime of a memoized value in a functional language like Haskell?

Java: automatic memoization

Java memoization method

java lambda memoization

potential O(n) solution to Longest Increasing Subsequence