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How do I memoize a recursive function in Lisp?

I'm a Lisp beginner. I'm trying to memoize a recursive function for calculating the number of terms in a Collatz sequence (for problem 14 in Project Euler). My code as of yet is:

(defun collatz-steps (n)
  (if (= 1 n) 0
       (if (evenp n) 
           (1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
           (1+ (collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n)))))))

(defun p14 ()
  (defvar m-collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))
      ((maxsteps (funcall m-collatz-steps 2))
       (n 2)
    (loop for i from 1 to 1000000
          (setq steps (funcall m-collatz-steps i))
            ((> steps maxsteps) 
             (setq maxsteps steps)
             (setq n i))
            (t ())))

(defun memoize (fn)
  (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    #'(lambda (&rest args)
              (result exists)
            (gethash args cache)
          (if exists
              (setf (gethash args cache)
                    (apply fn args)))))))

The memoize function is the same as the one given in the On Lisp book.

This code doesn't actually give any speedup compared to the non-memoized version. I believe it's due to the recursive calls calling the non-memoized version of the function, which sort of defeats the purpose. In that case, what is the correct way to do the memoization here? Is there any way to have all calls to the original function call the memoized version itself, removing the need for the special m-collatz-steps symbol?

EDIT: Corrected the code to have

(defvar m-collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))

which is what I had in my code. Before the edit I had erroneously put:

(defvar collatz-steps (memoize #'collatz-steps))

Seeing that error gave me another idea, and I tried using this last defvar itself and changing the recursive calls to

       (1+ (funcall collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
       (1+ (funcall collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n))))

This does seem to perform the memoization (speedup from about 60 seconds to 1.5 seconds), but requires changing the original function. Is there a cleaner solution which doesn't involve changing the original function?

like image 665
Sundar R Avatar asked Nov 02 '08 04:11

Sundar R

2 Answers

I assume you're using Common-Lisp, which has separate namespaces for variable and function names. In order to memoize the function named by a symbol, you need to change its function binding, through the accessor `fdefinition':

(setf (fdefinition 'collatz-steps) (memoize #'collatz-steps))

(defun p14 ()
  (let ((mx 0) (my 0))
    (loop for x from 1 to 1000000
          for y = (collatz-steps x)
          when (< my y) do (setf my y mx x))
like image 150
huaiyuan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


Here is a memoize function that rebinds the symbol function:

(defun memoize-function (function-name)
  (setf (symbol-function function-name)
    (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
         #'(lambda (&rest args)
                 (result exists)
                (gethash args cache)
               (if exists
                   (setf (gethash args cache)
                         (apply fn args)))))))

You would then do something like this:

(defun collatz-steps (n)
  (if (= 1 n) 0
      (if (evenp n) 
          (1+ (collatz-steps (/ n 2)))
          (1+ (collatz-steps (1+ (* 3 n)))))))

(memoize-function 'collatz-steps)

I'll leave it up to you to make an unmemoize-function.

like image 39
Eric Normand Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Eric Normand