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Is there a convention for memoization in a method call?

I want to avoid reevaluation of a value in method call. Untill now, I was doing this:

def some_method
  @some_method ||= begin
    # lot's of code

But it ends up quite ugly. In some code, I saw something like the following:

def some_method
  @some_method ||= some_method!


def some_method!
  # lot's of code

I don't like the bang (!) at the end, so I came up with this:

def some_method
  @some_method ||= _some_method


def _some_method
  # lot's of code
  • Is prepending with an underscore a good convention?
  • Is there some other convention for memoized/non-memoized pairs of methods?
  • Is there some convention to memoize multi-line methods?
like image 672
Kostas Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 11:10


3 Answers

I would do it like this:

def filesize
  @filesize ||= calculate_filesize


def calculate_filesize
  # ...

So I'd just name the method differently, as I think it makes more sense.

like image 114
Agis Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11


There is one more way, more Java-style I think.

First of all you should implement annotations, like "Java-style annotations in Ruby" and "How to simulate Java-like annotations in Ruby?".

Then you should add annotation like _cacheable that will said to method that it should return instance variable and if it is null it should calculate it by invoking method, so your code will be more clear:

def some_method
   # do_some_work
like image 33
Mikhail Kochegarov Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 04:11

Mikhail Kochegarov

I use the memoist gem, which lets you easily memoize a method without having to alter your original method or create two methods.

So for example, instead of having two methods, file_size and calculate_file_size, and having to implement the memoization yourself with an instance variable:

def file_size
  @file_size ||= calculate_file_size

def calculate_file_size
  # code to calculate the file size

you can just do this:

def file_size
  # code to calculate the file size
memoize :file_size

Each memoized function comes with a way to flush the existing value.

object.file_size       # returns the memoized value
object.file_size(true) # bypasses the memoized value and rememoizes it

So calling object.file_size(true) would be the equivalent of calling object.calculate_file_size...

like image 33
Tyler Rick Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Tyler Rick