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Maya AbcExport with Python

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How to make a nested dictionary and dynamically append data

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Python Vector Class

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How to get maya main window pointer using PySide?

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How can you edit a USDZ mesh that has been included in AR project?

Different OpenGL behaviors depending on Maya's viewport used

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Python > Save help() output to formated html file?

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How to convert OBJ with MTL file to USDZ format

Running unit tests with Nose inside a Python environment such as Autodesk Maya?

How do I compile multiple py files as one?

Using external GUI libraries to make user interfaces in Autodesk Maya

How to create a DAE file to use in SceneKit?

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Display 3dsmax models in web browser [closed]

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Conversion from USDZ file to glTF file

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Need to create a list of sets, from a list of sets whose members may be connected

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use external python script to open maya and run another script inside maya

NameError: name '__main__' is not defined [closed]

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SceneKit -– How to get animations for a .dae model?

Dockable window in Maya with PySide clean up

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Using MAYA 3D Model in a .Net application

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