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New posts in maven-release-plugin

maven-release-plugin and maven 3.0.3

How to set maven options to run for release or snapshot

Synchronizing artifact versions across platforms with maven release process

Maven Release Plugin not updating SNAPSHOTs in dependencyManagement

How to conditionally run maven-release:rollback in jenkins?

Maven Release Plugin with Svn:Externals and a multi-module project

Why does maven release plugin allow for SNAPSHOT version in dependency management?

mvn release:perform fails from a git branch: does the pom.xml need to have same version on master?

jgitflow:release-finish is not deleting the release branch

maven-release-plugin does not use ssh key provided in job config or/and .ssh/config

How to release a Maven submodule without releasing the parent POM?

get mvn release:rollback to delete tag in GIT

Does maven-release-plugin push tags to remote Git repository?

Maven + Mercurial: Error while executing command tag

Sign Git tag with Maven release plugin?

Maven Release Plugin and Git Tagging Style

How to handle maven versions in a multi module project?

Maven pom.xml, SCM and release

Using maven-release-plugin with git over HTTPS

How to build apk in release mode using maven