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New posts in maven-plugin

maven, execution tag, id tag missing

java maven maven-plugin

maven-jaxb2-plugin fails with JAXB version attribute must be present

maven appassembler plugin does not include the current artifact, if called iterative

How to use a single checkstyle suppression file in Maven for all modules

how to generate jar and war both in project

Maven dependency plugin copy jar with dependencies

Tomcat-maven-plugin 401 error

What is the syntax to run a maven plugin from the command line.

now getting 401 unauthorized in jenkins when deploying artifact to archiva maven repo

Why would a maven-war-plugin generate a JAR instead of a WAR?

How to set both VM Params and Program args using exec-maven-plugin?

mvn release:prepare doesn't catch that I have modified files?

java svn maven-2 maven-plugin

maven site plugin not deploying subprojects in a multimodule project or generating index.html

How to unpack artifact and filter resources?

How to run a plugin only for "war" package type in Maven?

java maven war maven-plugin

How can I avoid build failing when Maven war plugin can't find webResource directory?

WSIT, Maven, and wsimport -- Can They Work Together?