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New posts in maven-plugin

How to fork a Maven lifecycle (in the proper sense) from a plugin?

maven-3 maven-plugin fork

Use maven-exec-plugin to run command line

java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of org/apache/catalina/loader/WebappClassLoader)

New-added Maven plugin becomes red in IntelliJ

Maven Eclipse unit test configuration

Why I obtain this error message when I try to use the Maven assembly plugin?

Lightweight Java database with Maven plugin for starting/stopping?

Configuring hibernate.reveng.xml to detect a sequence PK generator with hibernate3-maven-plugin and Postgre

GWT 2.1 and the Codehaus Maven plugin

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Maven cxf Plugin error

How to populate parameter "defaultValue" in Maven "AbstractMojoTestCase"?

maven-3 maven-plugin

maven-clean-plugin is not removing all given directories

How to get ${basedir} value (or other properties) within the Mojo.execute()?

maven maven-plugin mojo

JAX-WS Maven Plugin Not Working with JDK 8

How to create a maven Archetype from an existing archetype

HOw to use jsonschema2pojo in maven's POM

java maven-plugin pojo

auto generation of serial version uid using maven2 plugin

How to remove repositories from Effective POM

eclipse maven maven-plugin

Create a GWT Maven Project

How do I enable Ebean Enhancement in Maven?