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New posts in maven-plugin

Maven: Is it possible to create a fat jar containing only dependencies and a jar with only application code?

Execute a Maven plugin with --enable-preview in POM

java maven maven-plugin

How to override configuration of maven-compiler-plugin. (build directory, I want to change by using profile)

How can we write maven2 plugin in Scala?

java scala maven maven-plugin

Maven exec bash script and save output as property

maven maven-plugin

Execute multiple mojos from one "meta mojo" and parameter sharing

Maven Plugin for project semantic versioning

MavenSession not populated

java maven maven-plugin

For a Maven 3 plugin what is the latest way to resolve a artifact

maven maven-3 maven-plugin

Proper setup for pitest-maven report-aggregate goal

How do I run a Maven Plugin on all modules?

cant do mvn tomcat:deploy because of http response 405

How to set the default-value for a maven array parameter?

How can I tell wagon-maven-plugin to use a username and password from my settings.xml?

maven maven-plugin

Share data between Mojo through Maven plugin execution

java maven maven-plugin

How to make maven build failure when bug is found using findBug plugin

Liquibase generate change log on db based on table name prefix

How can I download Maven artifacts within a plugin?

java maven-2 maven-plugin

Maven build number plugin, how to save the build number in a file?

What is 'plexus' and how is it related to maven? [closed]

maven maven-plugin plexus