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New posts in maven-plugin

How can a plugin add its own generated resources?

maven maven-plugin

java restful services as jar dependency on a war

Intellij and maven templating plugin: how to reference java-templates

remove default implementation while generating code using swagger-codegen maven plugin

How to skip the importCertificate goal if certificate is already exist by using keytool-maven-plugin?

java maven-plugin keytool

Modifying POM settings from plugin code

java maven-2 maven-plugin

Maven plugin development: is there a way to automatically run plugin when it's just declared in pom.xml?

Using Jacoco with Pax-Exam

Using maven for perl projects

perl maven maven-plugin

Dependency injection in a maven plugin

Use Maven Plugin parameter value as default value of another parameter

Unable to invoke avro-maven plugin

maven-plugin avro

How to variablize shell script output on maven pom.xml to use

Library javadocs generated by maven-javadoc-plugin does not work when linked on Eclipse

Execution default-deploy of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin deploy failed. NullPointerException

properties-maven-plugin: The parameters 'files' for goal ... are missing

maven maven-plugin maven-3

maven plugin as module

maven maven-plugin

Spring Boot useTestClasspath throws CannotLoadBeanClassException and ClassNotFoundException

spring-boot maven-plugin

Use of spring-boot-maven-plugin

How to avoid the "Overlappping classes" warning in a maven build?

maven maven-3 maven-plugin