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New posts in maven-3

How to configure embedded OpenEJB container for tests properly?

Replace plexus component in Maven 3

maven maven-3 plexus

Dependency conflicts on maven

maven dependencies maven-3

Maven: Let "mvn -Pjenkins" be the same as "mvn clean install pmd:pmd javadoc:aggregate"

Override Java constant using Maven?

java build constants maven-3

When performing a release in maven, what should I do with the pom.xml.releaseBackup and release.properties files?

How to fork a Maven lifecycle (in the proper sense) from a plugin?

maven-3 maven-plugin fork

Getting maven to execute a program and store the output into a property that can be used in a .jar manifest

java.lang.VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames at branch target 421

Cannot execute Groovy Maven Plugin as a goal

Maven enforcer issue when running from reactor level

Maven ExecutionException The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called

maven maven-3

Maven 3: Generate Javadoc for defined artifacts

Cannot resolve Mockito dependency in a Tycho project [duplicate]

maven-3 tycho

Maven seems to be pulling in jars that have test scope

Why does SpringJUnit4ClassRunner not work with surefire parallel=methods?

Why I obtain this error message when I try to use the Maven assembly plugin?

Jena TDB java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

Retrieve svn last changed revision number with the buildnumber-maven-plugin

Unknown lifecycle phase maven
