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New posts in maven-3

maven -> profile -> activation - all conditions are required or just one?

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Maven brings "test" transitive dependency as "compile"

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Maven, how to copy files?

How do I install JQuery into my web app using Maven?

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Share dependencies among multiple POM files

maven maven-3

Is there a way to configure the version of the Maven POM from command line?

Maven reads user configuration from wrong location

maven maven-3

proguard-maven-plugin java 8

maven-3 java-8 proguard

Maven Enforcer Plugin: Specify rules via command line

"Project does not define required minimum version of Maven" with versions-maven-plugin 2.7

Can Maven run non-build tasks?

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ClassNotFoundException in Maven project

Maven: properties-file alongside jar

Maven reactor builds in order that doesn't satisfy all dependencies

maven maven-3

Pitest WARNING : Slave exited abnormally due to TIMED_OUT

Maven import dependency Jetbrains Exposed

How do I remove a cached local artifact that maven fetched?

maven-3 pom.xml artifactory

Append or merge default maven plugin configuration

Disable all reports from Maven's project-info-reports-plugin

Dynamic maven artifactId

scala maven sbt maven-3 pom.xml