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Maven import dependency Jetbrains Exposed

On the github page of Jetbrains' Exposed,a Kotlin SQL Framework, there is a link to a page where you can get the maven dependency for this library (https://bintray.com/kotlin/exposed/exposed/view#). The same dependecy can also be found on MVNRepository (https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.exposed/exposed/0.7.6).

I am using maven 3.3.9 and Intellij 2016.3.4, but maven cannot resolve this dependency. I check the ~/.m2/ directory and it seems that it is downloaded (there is a jar present). After looking at the repository I saw that there was no pom.xml and they where using Gradle.

Is it still possible to import this dependency with maven?

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OmerSakar Avatar asked Feb 28 '17 15:02


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1 Answers

It is listed on mvnrepository, but artifact itself is located in Kotlin Exposed repository. You have to add link to the Exposed repository to your POM for Maven to find it.

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Januson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
