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New posts in maven-3

maven 3 javadoc plugin ignores configuration

export all defined maven project properties to file?

maven maven-3

Maven checkstyle plugin: Print warnings to console

Sharing common resources between non-JAR maven projects

maven maven-3 jmeter

Build failure - Apache Parquet-MR source (mvn install failure)

Using Maven3.1, RepositorySystemSession and RepositorySystem are not injected and remain null

java maven-3 aether

How does maven decide when to use the target folder for classpath

Maven war artifact with car extension

What does repository layout mean

maven maven-3

Tomcat + CDI + Arquillian

How to exclude test dependencies from a shaded maven jar?

What is the difference between Maven Dependencies and Referenced Libraries in Eclipse?

Maven does not read POM when installing JAR to repository

Maven - Sharing libraries between projects

Sonar Pitest Plugin

Build JavaFX 8 with Maven

Can I use property placeholders in Jetty-env.xml?

maven shaded jar: change output location

Maven Compilation Error: Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 1.8

java windows maven maven-3

What's the latest version of build-helper-maven-plugin that requires JDK 1.6?