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Using Maven3.1, RepositorySystemSession and RepositorySystem are not injected and remain null

My question is very much related to this one

But I can't get it working. Hopefully some more eyes on it will help

My environment

Apache Maven 3.1.1 (0728685237757ffbf44136acec0402957f723d9a; 2013-09-17 08:22:22-0700)
Maven home: /usr/local/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_40, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_40.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.11.3", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

I'm on maven 3.1 so I'm using the new eclipse.aether, not sonatype.aether.

My plugin

package aether.example;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository;

public class TestMojo extends AbstractMojo {

   * The entry point to Aether, i.e. the component doing all the work.
   * @component
  private RepositorySystem repoSystem;

   * The current repository/network configuration of Maven.
   * @parameter default-value="${repositorySystemSession}"
   * @readonly
  private RepositorySystemSession repoSession;

   * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of project dependencies.
   * @parameter default-value="${project.remoteProjectRepositories}"
   * @readonly
  private List<RemoteRepository> projectRepos;

   * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of plugins and their dependencies.
   * @parameter default-value="${project.remotePluginRepositories}"
   * @readonly
  private List<RemoteRepository> pluginRepos;

  public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
    System.out.println("Session: " + repoSession);
    System.out.println("Repos: " + projectRepos);
    System.out.println("repoSys: " + repoSystem);



My pom.xml

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">




                    <!-- see http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5346 -->




The way I install it

mvn clean install

The way I run it

mvn aether.example:my-aether-plugin:test

My output

Session: null
Repos: null
repoSys: null

What's wrong with this?

like image 922
kane Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 23:02


1 Answers

I figured out my issue. For some reason, the annotations in the comments section weren't working, even though the code is copied straight from the documentation.

Instead of

 * The entry point to Aether, i.e. the component doing all the work.
 * @component
private RepositorySystem repoSystem;

 * The current repository/network configuration of Maven.
 * @parameter default-value="${repositorySystemSession}"
 * @readonly
private RepositorySystemSession repoSession;

 * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of project dependencies.
 * @parameter default-value="${project.remoteProjectRepositories}"
 * @readonly
private List<RemoteRepository> projectRepos;

I replaced it with

private RepositorySystem repoSystem;

 * The current repository/network configuration of Maven.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${repositorySystemSession}")
private RepositorySystemSession repoSession;

 * The project's remote repositories to use for the resolution of project dependencies.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.remoteProjectRepositories}")
private List<RemoteRepository> projectRepos;
like image 68
kane Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10
