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Maven - Sharing libraries between projects

I'm working on a multi-project, and right now I have a structure that resembles this (actually there are a couple of jar projects and a couple of war projects)

 |_______projA (jar)
 |          |____pom.xml
 |          |____target/jar files
 |_______projB (war)
 |          |___pom.xml
 |          |___web-inf/lib/jarfiles
 |          |___pom.xml

What I want to achieve, is to make projA and projB to read their dependences from a common shared folder, instead of keeping their own copy.

Actually, I don't really care where they read them from at compile time, but when I package my EAR file, I want each jar/war to appear just once, hence reducing the EAR size.

I've tried declaring the dependencies on the parent pom, declaring the dependencies as and some other things, but so far I haven't achieved this.

Is there an easy way to achieve this? Any simple maven plugin?

Thanks in advance.

like image 397
Tom Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 19:06


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1 Answers

You should be able to do this by adding the JAR as a dependency to your EAR's pom.xml:


...and specifying the dependency as provided in your WARs' pom.xml:


If Maven/other tooling has already copied the JAR to your WEB-INF/lib directory, you may need to delete the file manually prior to rebuilding.

This should result in an EAR of the form:

like image 87
McDowell Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
