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New posts in maven-3

Cobertura coverage for integration tests in Maven

maven-release-plugin and maven 3.0.3

Can I change the timestamp of a snapshot to the build number?

How can I avoid build failing when Maven war plugin can't find webResource directory?

Maven can't resolve a SNAPSHOT dependency

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Maven - Change jUnit Version in Quickstart Archetype

How can use maven to build job with free Talend Open Studio

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WARNING: Failed to scan <>.jar from classloader hierarchy. FileNotFoundException

Running tests in parallel with maven surefire plugin

Incremental build in Jenkins

How to find unused properties in a pom

Eclipse/Maven and "Resolve dependencies from workspace projects" can't mix jars and source?

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Maven : Build all dependencies but run tests on specific modules

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jgitflow:release-finish is not deleting the release branch

maven install and deploy 3rd party dependencies with simple command line

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Accessing the value of eclipse classpath variable M2_REPO in run configuration VM arguments

Generating multiple javadoc reports using maven-javadoc-plugin and Maven 3

Maven Versions Plug-in Skipping Update Check

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Maven assembly: rename unpacked file

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How to run Spring in Action Third Edition source code

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