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New posts in marshalling

What is JAXBContext.newInstance(String contextPath)?

java jaxb marshalling

Runtime callable wrapper (RCW) scope - process or application domain?

Marshaling a Byte array to a C# structure

c# unmanaged marshalling

Does a serializable object always get serialized when put in a bundle?

Trouble with Marshal.PtrToStructure() and char arrays in structure DEVMODE

c# pinvoke marshalling

Marshalling fails with exception about MarshallerImpl not known to this context

java jaxb marshalling

JAXB remove XmlRootElement wrapper

xml json jaxb marshalling jaxb2

Marshal - Do I need to free any resources?

c# bitmap marshalling

What's the difference between Marshal.GenerateGuidForType(Type) and Type.GUID?

Axis Marshaller

Difference between MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr) and Marshal.PtrToStringUni()

How to return array of struct from C++ dll to C#

c# c++ marshalling

Passing c# string to unmanaged c++ DLL

.net clr unmanaged marshalling

IntPtr to Byte Array and Back

c# interop marshalling intptr

TaskDialog from WinAPICodePack does not work on .NET 4.0

Pass socket from .NET to unmanaged C++ code

c# .net c++ sockets marshalling

Improper marshaling: C# array to a C++ unmanaged array

c# c++ pinvoke marshalling

how to call a C function from C# with a WCHAR* out parameter?

c# c interop marshalling

Python xml marshalling

PInvoke: Allocate memory in C++ and free it in C#