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New posts in marshalling

.NET Marshal.PtrToStringUni(IntPtr) vs. new String(char*)

c# .net string marshalling

Get ListView item text from other window

How do I return a byte array from C++ to C#

c# c++ pointers marshalling

JAXB Exception: Class not known to this context while marshalling

java jaxb marshalling jaxb2

Marshalling C objects that cannot be accessed from Go

go marshalling cgo

VBA array of User-Defined objects from a C# DLL

TypeScript - passing a class as an argument, and reflection

Rspec: How to fix marshal format version 4.8 required; 34.92 given error

Marshalling of C structure to C#

c# c pinvoke marshalling

Receiving a char* from c++ into c#, and passing it back again

c# c++ char marshalling

Access violation exception at 'Marshal.StructureToPtr' in Windows 7 + .NET 4.0 (Windows XP + .NET 3.5 works fine)

c# .net marshalling unmanaged

Trying to marshal a struct with char * data but data is null

Passing a pointer to class into unmanaged c++ code from C#

c# c++ marshalling unmanaged

Marshalling selected fields only, using JAXB

java xml jaxb marshalling

GCHandle, Marshal, managed and unmanaged memory : To pin or Not To Pin

How to eliminate auto-generated namespace prefix in elements/attributes using JAXB marshalling

java xml jaxb marshalling

if GetFields() doesn't guarantee order, how does LayoutKind.Sequential work

c# reflection marshalling

Strange Jackson Illegal character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 0)) Exception in Map Reduce Combiner

Why does LayoutKind.Sequential work differently if a struct contains a DateTime field?