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Computing article abstracts

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Python Markdown: Markdown Inside HTML Blocks

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R Markdown displaying just displaying the result

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Markdown citations in octopress

Exporting all yaml bibliographic in a pdf file using pandoc

Jekyll: Fenced code blocks with line numbers

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Can I set command line arguments using the YAML metadata

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Is there a markdown friendly alternative to "truncatechars:x"?

AsciiDoc "referenced links" (as in Markdown)

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How to change the default syntax highlighting for new files in Sublime Text [duplicate]

How to use a Markdown-it plugin without Node or require.js

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Java regex match markdown syntax for headings

Displaying multiple dygraphs on a grid in R-Markdown

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R markdown: download a html table to an excel file

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How can I parse marked up text for further processing?

How do I make a link to a section of a document in the same directory(pandoc markdown->html output)

Outputting HTML code from inside R markdown

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How to render multiple columns with Markdown in GitHub README?

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How can I install packages in knitr?

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How can I color text in GitHub's flavoured Markdown?

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