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How to define access rules for classpath entries in maven pom.xml file for Eclipse & M2E?

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Eclipse Helios + maven m2e + Groovy == FAIL

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Eclipse error with osgi + maven + maven-pax-plugin

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Is it a good practice to include Eclipse project files in with sources in SCM?

Eclipse doesn't start in Ubuntu 14.04

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eclipse locks jar files

the "build automatically" and maven in Eclipse

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Project name different from artifact-Id

eclipse maven m2e

Eclipse 4.3.2 with Java 8 patches doesn't recognize source level 1.8

How to force Eclipse m2e plugin to use jdk for a project

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Where is the "Maven->Update project configuration" menu item?

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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException android + eclipse + maven + osx

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Eclipse + maven can't open POM even though it exists

eclipse maven m2e

Eclipse 3.7/Indigo m2e WTP integration dependency issue

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Update to m2e 1.6 resulted in "Conflicting lifecycle mapping" error

How to configure Checkstyle in Eclipse for an maven project automatically

How to preinstall Eclipse m2e configurators (Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration)

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Eclipse Maven: run test with spring profile

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m2e shade eclipse "project main artifact does not exist"