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New posts in location

How get the current latitud and longitud without use getLastKnownLocation method in Android?

Getting Location Updates based on time interval or Displacement

Jquery Update Browser Location, Don't Redirect

magnetic effect to attach window dialog or frame to another

java swing location frame

Android How to focus on current position

Internet connection paused after Android phone lock

LocationListener and memory leaks

Converting CLLocationCoordinate2D to a String that can be stored

Apache config for all Location except specific URI

Windows appearing off edge of screen (Delphi)

UISwipeGestureRecognizer location

Convert Location to GeoPoint

How to detect the user city efficiently?

php location

Create local location based notifications in swift

How to check whether a (String) location is a valid saving path in Java?

java validation file location

Location listener works from a Service but not an IntentService

Position JavaFX Button in a specific location

How do I get the HDOP or VDOP values from the GPS LocationManager?

Get the max latitude and longitude given radius (meters) and position

android: how to fix gps with mock(fake) coordinates?