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New posts in literals

Why escaping 'w' ('\w') character reverses memory representation of a int variable?

c++ memory literals

I need a Javascript literal syntax converter/deobfuscation tools

LiteralExpression - ArgumentOutOfRangeException

c# literals roslyn

Custom literal works with long double but not double, and with pass by value but not pass by reference

golang shortcut syntax for slice literal of pointers to structs

go pointers literals

How to hide literals in code

In C++, when I pass a value into a function, is it always converted to appropiate type?

Assigning a string literal to a char array, how is the string literal copied onto the stack?

c string stack literals

format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Wformat-security]

What is the syntax for declaring a constant string[char] AA?

char c = some integer literal might compile but float f = some floating point literal will never compile. Why?

Are arithmetic operations on literals in C# evaluated at compile time?

c# performance literals

Golang cannot use as type struct array or slice literal

json go struct slice literals

Python: Invalid Literal for Int() Base 10

python literals base

Literals VS Immediate Operands

Using textwrap.dedent() with bytes in Python 3

How to detect the passing of a string literal to a function in C?

c string literals

Is a literal NSString autoreleased or does it need to be released?

Assigning literals to terms in GHC

Best practice for long string literals in Go

string go literals idioms