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New posts in levenshtein-distance

How to configure Solr to use Levenshtein approximate string matching?

Compare 5000 strings with PHP Levenshtein

Levenshtein Distance: Inferring the edit operations from the matrix

Why does the function levenshtein in PHP have a 255-character limit?

Dynamic algorithm for text auto-correct

Advice on how to improve a current fuzzy search implementation

Improved Levenshtein Algorithm

Data structure for retrieving strings that are close by Levenshtein distance

is there any way to calculate % match between 2 strings

Get the closest color name depending on an hex-color

calculating Levenshtein Distance using word lists

How to know the operations made to calculate the Levenshtein distance between strings?

Levenshtein distance with back tracing in PHP

php levenshtein-distance

How do I use a Levenshtein distance function in a sqlite where clause?

Reverse Levenshtein distance

Calculating a relative Levenshtein distance - make sense?

String Distance Matrix in Python

Is there an edit distance algorithm that takes "chunk transposition" into account?

How to group words whose Levenshtein distance is more than 80 percent in Python

Sqlite with real "Full Text Search" and spelling mistakes (FTS+spellfix together)