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New posts in levenshtein-distance

Levenshtein search

Alternative to Levenshtein distance for prefixes / suffixes

Levenshtein Matrix using only a diagonal strip

OCR: weighted Levenshtein distance

How can I find the best fit subsequences of a large string?

Problem with adist function in text comparison

Speeding up levenshtein / similar_text in PHP

Is it possible to calucate the edit distance between a regexp and a string?

How to find string similar to 2 other strings (in terms of Levenshtein distance)?

What's the difference between Levenshtein distance and the Wagner-Fischer algorithm

Using the Levenshtein distance in a spell checker

Levenshtein Distance Formula in CoffeeScript?

String distance, transpositions only [duplicate]

LevensteinDistance - Commons Lang 3.0 API

How to check efficiently if two characters are neighbours on the keyboard?

How to compute letter frequency similarity?

looking for python library which can perform levenshtein/other edit distance at word-level

Modifying Levenshtein Distance algorithm to not calculate all distances

Fast fuzzy/approximate search in dictionary of strings in Ruby