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New posts in launchd

Execute process as current Mac OS X user, not as root

MacPorts Apache2 Stopped Launching on Boot

Checkpoint Secure Client: "Connectivity with VPN services is lost" on Mac OS 10.8

macos startup vpn launchd

running sudo command in bash script and running it with launchd

macos bash launchd

Can SMJobSubmit() be used to execute a privileged helper installed by SMJobBless?

Removing mysql using launchctl

Mac Launch Daemon unable to retrieve password from system keychain after saving it there

~/Library/LaunchAgents plist runs manually but not automatically


Is it possible to detect Power Nap / DarkWake mode in OSX

Using a LaunchAgent inside the Mac app sandbox

How to access environment variables in launchd plist

macos launchd

launchd.plist runs every 10 seconds instead of just once

macos usb launchd

iPhone SDK strange console message launchd_core_logic.c

iphone sdk debugging launchd

How to remove pm2 from startup (on mac)

node.js launchd pm2

SMJobBless failed with CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code 9

OSX launchd plist for node forever process

MacOS: Manually force a daemon to start

macos unix daemon launchd