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New posts in large-files

Version control system for huge files?

java.util.zip.ZipException: too many entries in ZIP file

java zip large-files unzip

iostream and large file support

Processing Huge Files In C#

c# byte large-files replace

Viewing file in emacs that exceeds maximum buffer size

Fastest way to draw a large text file in C# winforms

Advice on handling large data volumes

Reading large excel file with PHP

Powershell - How do I extract the first line of all text files in a directory into a single output file?

powershell text large-files

How Can I Efficiently Read The FIrst Few Lines of Many Files in Delphi

delphi file-io large-files

Are there version control systems that allow you to permanently delete files?

Multi-line regex search in whole file

c# .net regex large-files

Upload files over 2Gb to IIS 8 / ASP.NET 4.5?

Viewing large XML files in eclipse?

xml eclipse jvm large-files

Very large zip file (> 50GB) --> ZipException: invalid CEN header

c handle large file

c large-files

Performance drop with fputs after writing more than 2,5GB. Why?

sed optimization (large file modification based on smaller dataset)

How to remove largefiles from Mercurial repo