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New posts in language-specifications

Why is "do" allowed inside a function?

Question regarding implicit conversions in the C# language specification

What is the purpose of external static constructors in C#?

If an identity conversion exists from S to T, must it be that S and T are same type?

Has the C# spec (team? committee?) ever considered this object creation syntax?

Inside a while loop, is the last comma separated statement guaranteed to run last?

Is casting from Object to boolean valid Java language?

Why is it not allowed in Java to overload Foo(Object...) with Foo(Object[])?

Operator '==' can't be applied to type T?

How to refer to a class when both simple and fully-qualified names clash

++i operator difference in C# and C++

XSD doesn't allow me to have unbounded inside all indicator

Why does C# not allow generic properties?

Inconsistent "possible lossy conversion from int to byte" compile-time error

Where can I find the C# 5 language specification? [closed]

Importing classes and namespaces in PHP: What difference does a leading backslash make?

Is the shortcircuit behaviour of Python's any/all explicit?

Problem understanding C# type inference as described in the language specification

Where Can I Find the C# Language Specification 6.0? [closed]

Can you add new statements to Python's syntax?