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New posts in language-agnostic

How to name and organize unit tests that test a method with multiple parameters?

Datastructures where Add, Get kth largest are O(log n) and O(1)

Sensible strategy for unit testing expected and non-expected deadlock behavior

Universal hashing

language-agnostic hash

Circular dependency between "controller" and "gui"

Why are register-based virtual machines better than stack-based ones?

Find a monotonic shortest path in a graph in O(E logV)

How is naive evaluation of polynomials bad for accuracy?

Terminology of Optionals in Swift or other languages

How is quick sort better at cache locality than mergesort?

Better game loops than endless loop + block?


Syntax of HTTP-status headers

RSS items order, does it matter?

Opinion on "loop invariants", and are these frequently used in the industry?


Algorithm for converting hierarchical flat data (w/ ParentID) into sorted flat list w/ indentation levels

A code that is a word forwards & a different word backwards

language-agnostic encode

Is there a name for this syntax getSomeValues()[0]?

Plotting an Arc in Discrete Steps

Generate Visually Different Colors With An Unknown Color Collection Size

Get spiral index from location