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New posts in language-agnostic

Convert rounded decimal to (approximate) radical value?

Procedural snare drum

Placement of defensive structures in a game

Reimplementing data structures in the real world

Any good threads related job-interview question?

Is there a relationship between calling a function and instantiating an object in pure functional languages?

Extracting new items from an RSS feed

c# language-agnostic rss

Choosing individuals from a population, by a fitness function

Why typical Array List implementations aren't double-ended?

Given a dictionary, find all possible letter orderings

Basic algorithm proof

Interesting NLP/machine-learning style project -- analyzing privacy policies

Is there such thing as a left-associative prefix operator or right-associative postfix operator?

parsing language-agnostic

Dividing an array into K subsets such that sum of all subsets is same using bitmasks+DP

Computing the distance between two points in polar coordinates using floating-point

Eliminating coupling out of classes that have strong conceptual bonds with each other


Are there valid reasons to hold data internally as XML?

Data storage advice needed: Best way to store location + time data?

Best practice - When to evaluate conditionals of function execution

How to implement your own WHOIS server?

language-agnostic whois