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New posts in automatic-differentiation

Java - Computation of Derivations with Apache Commons Mathematic Library

How to do automatic differentiation on complex datatypes?

How does theano implement computing every function's gradient?

How to do automatic differentiation on hmatrix?

How efficient/intelligent is Theano in computing gradients?

Derivative of a Higher-Order Function

Optimization issue, Nonlinear: automatic analytical Jacobian/Hessian from objective and constraints in R?

Numeric.AD and typing problem

Combining Eigen and CppAD

What is differentiable programming?

Where is Wengert List in TensorFlow?

Navigating the automatic differentiation ecosystem in Julia

How does tensorflow handle non differentiable nodes during gradient calculation?

Optimize a list function that creates too much garbage (not stack overflow)

how is backpropagation the same (or not) as reverse automatic differentiation?

Automatic differentiation library in Scheme / Common Lisp / Clojure

Is there any working implementation of reverse mode automatic differentiation for Haskell?

How to get more performance out of automatic differentiation?

Difference between symbolic differentiation and automatic differentiation?