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New posts in path-finding

Number of simple mutations to change one string to another?

How to use the A* path finding algorithm on a grid less 2D plane?

heuristics path-finding

AI enemies converge on eachother while pursuing player

Reduce number of nodes in 3D A* pathfinding using (part of a) uniform grid representation

Can I rewrite my expensive pygame functions in C?

A* implemented in C

Pathfinding with Dynamic Obstacles

How do I find the most “Naturally" direct route using A-star (A*)

A* pathfinding guaranteed to find shortest path?

Algorithm(s) for finding moving entities in a maze

algorithm path-finding maze

java - Algorithm for generating random path in 2d char array

java algorithm path-finding

How to implement the shortest path algorithm in this scenario?

Mass astar pathfinding

3-dimensional jump point search algorithm

Given a start and goal ,how to find the shortest way in a navigation mesh?

Pathfinding in real 3D environments (e.g Buildings)

Pathfinding (routing, trip planning, ...) algorithms on graphs with time restrictions