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New posts in bloom-filter

Reducing with a bloom filter

How to use result from a hash function to get an array index?

Error in saving and reloading guava bloom filter - need help finding any mistake in code

java guava bloom-filter

Spark with BloomFilter of billions of records causes Kryo serialization failed: Buffer overflow.

fast check if intersection set empty (false positives is ok)

BloomFilter Python

python bloom-filter

Bloom filter to store the last 50 data content alone

Difference bloom filters and FM-sketches

Using stat.bloomFilter in Spark 2.0.0 to filter another dataframe

compact data structure like set

Bloom filter in Java

java hash bloom-filter

Bloom filters in a distributed environment

When is a Bloom filter useful?

Best way to compare two large sets of strings in Python

python string bloom-filter

Near Duplicate Detection in Data Streams

Are any implementations of Bloomier filters available?

Is there any probabilistic data structure that gives false negatives but not false positives?

Computing the approximate population of a bloom filter

Bloomfilter and Cassandra = Why used and why hashed several times?

hash cassandra bloom-filter

Which hash functions to use in a Bloom filter

function hash bloom-filter