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New posts in jpa-2.0

How to update the @Version field when executing a bulk update through Spring Data JPA

JPA : What is the behaviour of merge with lazy initialized collection?

jpa jpa-2.0

Fixing "Could not resolve a persistence unit..." errors when PU is specified, found

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Does an entity manager create a connection to the database?

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How to write query(include subquery and exists) using JPA Criteria Builder

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JPA Static Metamodel not recognized by IntelliJ

Best practice to generate a JPA dynamic, typed query?

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JPA: TypedQuery sometimes returns null instead of NoResultException

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JPA2/Hibernate Criteria or CriteriaQuery for Postgres JSON type

Jpa QueryBuilder Multiple expressions in where clause not working

Store Map<Enum, Enum> as String

Exception in GWT Dev Mode + Spring 3.1 + Hibernate 4.0.1

How to get entity manager or transaction in jpa listener

Query for join in Spring Data JPA

Creating queries using Criteria API (JPA 2.0)

Is there a way to give persistenceUnitName for Spring's LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean without persistence.xml?

java spring hibernate jpa-2.0

Dynamic JPA 2.0 query using Criteria API

"Not known whether passed class name ... is safe" using JPA EmbeddedId with Hibernate

java hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

JPA 2.0, hibernate 3.5, jars & persistence.xml location

How to disable JPA 2 callback methods and entity listeners

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