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New posts in job-control

Job control in linux with C

c linux process job-control

Launch process from Bash script in the background, then bring it to foreground

bash job-control

Difference between foreground job and background job [closed]

linux job-control

How to tell bash not to issue warnings "cannot set terminal process group" and "no job control in this shell" when it can't assert job control?

bg / fg inside a command line loop

bash jobs job-control

(Hadoop) MapReduce - Chain jobs - JobControl doesn't stop

Does Linux allow process group ids to be reassigned to processes?

Background and foreground bash/zsh jobs without adding newlines in "continued/suspended" messages

Does linux kill background processes if we close the terminal from which it has started?

linux shell telnet job-control

How can I suppress “Terminate batch job (Y/N)” confirmation in PowerShell?

run a shell script and immediately background it, however keep the ability to inspect its output

Why can't I use job control in a bash script?

bash job-control

Wait for bash background jobs in script to be finished

bash scripting job-control

In what order should I send signals to gracefully shutdown processes?

linux: kill background task

linux bash unix kill job-control