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New posts in jenkins-plugins

What does "deferred wipeout" option really mean in Jenkins Workspace Cleanup plugin?

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Building a particular revision in Jenkins Pipeline

Jenkins vs. Xcode plugin - codesign troubles

How can I create parameterized Jenkins job?

How to use exclude folder option in 'Delete workspace before build starts' section?

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How will I filter out only errors in Jenkins-email-ext, BUILD_LOG_REGEX?

Jenkins + Git plugin CheckoutConflictException

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Performance graphs on Jenkins causing "Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart" exceptions

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Jenkins needs to know where your Maven is installed

How do I access files in a Shared Library?

How to specify Job DSL checkout timeout in Jenkins Git plugin?

Jenkins Chuck Norris Plugin

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Jenkins ignores trend graph configuration

Jenkins publish HTML from docker container

How to configure Jenkins performance plugin to fail job with relative error threshold

Jenkins-Worker: SSH or JNLP Connection?

How should I validate Jenkins build parameters on the front-end to enable/disable the build button?

Using a groovy class in other jenkins groovy scripts

Jenkins UI customization