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How do I access files in a Shared Library?

I have a Shared Library with a .groovy script that I call in a jenkinsfile like this:

MySharedLibFunction{ .. some args}

I also have a .ps1 file in my shared library I want to execute. But if I do powershell pwd from in my shared library function when I call that function from my jenkinsfile the current working directory is the jenkins working directory of my pipeline where the jenkinsfile is located (which is usually what you want).

Is there a way to access files in the shared lib? I want to do powershell -File ps1FileInMySharedLibVarsFolder.ps1

like image 844
red888 Avatar asked Sep 30 '17 02:09


People also ask

How do I open a shared library file?

If you want to open a shared-library file, you would open it like any other binary file -- with a hex-editor (also called a binary-editor). There are several hex-editors in the standard repositories such as GHex (https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ghex) or Bless (https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/bless).

How do shared libraries work?

Simply put, A shared library/ Dynamic Library is a library that is loaded dynamically at runtime for each application that requires it. Dynamic Linking doesn't require the code to be copied, it is done by just placing name of the library in the binary file.

What is a shared library file?

A shared library or shared object is a file that is intended to be shared by multiple programs. Symbols used by a program are loaded from shared libraries into memory at load time or runtime.

How do shared libraries work on Linux?

Shared libraries are the most common way to manage dependencies on Linux systems. These shared resources are loaded into memory before the application starts, and when several processes require the same library, it will be loaded only once on the system. This feature saves on memory usage by the application.

2 Answers

You can only get the contents using the built-in step libraryResource. That's why have the following functions in my shared library to copy it to a temporary directory and return the path to the file:

  * Generates a path to a temporary file location, ending with {@code path} parameter.
  * @param path path suffix
  * @return path to file inside a temp directory
String createTempLocation(String path) {
  String tmpDir = pwd tmp: true
  return tmpDir + File.separator + new File(path).getName()

  * Returns the path to a temp location of a script from the global library (resources/ subdirectory)
  * @param srcPath path within the resources/ subdirectory of this repo
  * @param destPath destination path (optional)
  * @return path to local file
String copyGlobalLibraryScript(String srcPath, String destPath = null) {
  destPath = destPath ?: createTempLocation(srcPath)
  writeFile file: destPath, text: libraryResource(srcPath)
  echo "copyGlobalLibraryScript: copied ${srcPath} to ${destPath}"
  return destPath

As it returns the path to the temp file, you can pass this to any step expecting a file name:


for a file residing in resources/test.sh within your shared library.

like image 135
StephenKing Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10


stephenking's answer is more complete but for simple cases the following will do:

writeFile file: 'ps1FileInMySharedLibVarsFolder.ps1', text: libraryResource('ps1FileInMySharedLibVarsFolder.ps1')
powershell ".\\ps1FileInMySharedLibVarsFolder.ps1"
like image 34
Bram Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10
