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New posts in jenkins-plugins

Jenkins: identify trigger type

Can Jenkins custom plugin on slave log to master?

Annotating/Fetching/mapping Testrail test case ID to the local Java TestNG test (Jenkins Test Rail Integration)

Jenkins: how do I make the color of a failed build due to a workspace issue from red to gray?

jenkins jenkins-plugins

Unable to update GitHub PR using Jenkins GitHub Pull Request Builder

Jenkins Artifactory plug-in: Error occurred while requesting version information: Connection refused

Jenkins email-ext plugin Send email to a group

Trigger Jenkins job when a S3 file is updated

Extract whole schema from oracle database to another (java) (automation)

Jenkins - Setup wizard blank?

Install button not visible in plugin manager in jenkins

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Jenkins Email-ext Pre-send Script

How to mark build as unstable when warning trend has arisen?

Query for last successful build number in Jenkins with change

How do I fix a Jenkins HTML report "checksum mismatch"?

How to execute SQL statement in Pipeline script of Jenkins?

How to run Jenkins Groovy scripts directly from Intellij or Eclipse

jenkins conditional matrix

jenkins jenkins-plugins

Jenkins: How to make single job build and deploy on two servers

Jenkins & Android emulator: Emulator did not appear to start; giving up